Data Engineering
Importance of Data Privacy?
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect in the EU on 25 May, 2018. Many countries consider GDPR as the standard and comprehensive reference. Driven by the GDPR momentum, numerous countries have been evolving the Data Privacy regulations to safeguard the rights of their citizens.
The Personal Data (PD) of citizens such as name, email-id, phone number, credit card details, and medical records stored in different repositories getting stolen and released in the open is a noncompliance. Undeniably, this will a huge embarrassment for entities like Government and enterprises who control the PD. Recently, mis-handling of PD by Google, Facebook and twitter has received wide negative publicity and hefty fines from US and European regulators.
Dataever Consulting's DPIA service can help organizations to protect PDs, identify and mitigate Privacy risks.​
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Data Protection scope has widened
Narrow scope of Data Backup has now widened into Data protection. It is not just a change of terminology alone. The far-reaching implications and complications of Data protection are many - individual privacy, liberty, national security, surveillance, political influence, Artificial Intelligence technology, and many more. Data Backup discussions of admins in Datacenter have moved upward into political debates of policy makers in Parliaments.